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Monoi Solid Perfume

Monoi Solid Perfume


Monoi is made by soaking the petals of Tahitian gardenias in coconut oil. The end result is Monoi butter. A beautifully light and exotic floral scent that can be used as a solid perfume or moisturizer for the face or lips. Keep our beautiful rose gold tin of monoi close by to enhance your sense of peace and calmness while sweeping your mind away to tropical places . 0.25oz


Maker's Notes: I came across monoi butter by accident and quickly feel in love with it's sweet soft fragrance. I love to keep a tin of this in my car or purse. It holds up well over time and can be used for just about anything; perfume, extra moisture around the lips or under the eyes. I just love it! sometimes it's the little things that feel the best. Makes a great little gift, just ask us to wrap it up for you:)

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